I have made the discovery that all whitetail deer bed down with their spine into the wind. As everyone is already aware the wind directions are forever changing, that is why I can prove to you that there are 3 Core Doe Bedding Areas in every dominant buck's herd, and that a trained person (trained by Bob J. Mercier) can determine which of the three Core Doe Bedding Areas a doe, or a fawn, was bedded in, just by analyzing the signs left behind by the deer after it has left its bed.
Deer will not allow the wind to hit them in their back (from the place the neck and the back meet to the top of the tail bone) from more than one direction on a compass. You can see an entire deer herd, (their bedding areas) if you read my book, learn from me how to read the wind, and know how to read a compass.
If you get a copy of my book. You can see these three bedding areas that I have drawn out diagrams in my book titled DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING...To A Monster Whitetail Buck! Copyright 2011 by Bob J. Mercier. In the diagrams I show you where deer bed in relation to other deer in the same herd. I have scouted over 200 deer herds in 5 states and Canada in the past 3 years and every deer herd has the three doe bedding areas that I drew in my book. If you buy it you can learn about them. If not then call your local library and request that they buy my book. It is available online at www.DominanceIsEverything.com.
Until today I have kept this a secret for only the readers of my books to know about. Now I am willing to prove my findings to anyone who wants to see the proof. Deer are amazing animals, and there is so much that society does not know about them. I have a good understanding of everything they do from spring to winter. I do not know everything, but I am sure I know more than anyone alive today. I want to share my knowledge, with you. The way I do it is by offering my books for sale, and by walking land with those who hire me to show them how to make kings of herds hunt them using my tactics.
When the wind direction changes deer stand up and choose another place to bed where they are allowed to, inside their king's territory. Deer choose the new bed location based on whether or not there are imminent threats to their lives in the other bedding areas at that moment in time, or not, and based on the wind direction at that moment. To a deer there is no safer place to be than in its bed, and deer have numerous beds inside the territory of the king of their herd. All you have to do to see these bedding areas is learn from me, what they look like, how to enter them as an invisible deer, and how to hunt in or around a core doe bedding area with my tactics.
Each dominant buck runs a deer herd. A territory, and in that territory there are three core doe bedding areas, and because I discovered them I also named them. They are:
Deer will not allow the wind to hit them in their back (from the place the neck and the back meet to the top of the tail bone) from more than one direction on a compass. You can see an entire deer herd, (their bedding areas) if you read my book, learn from me how to read the wind, and know how to read a compass.
If you get a copy of my book. You can see these three bedding areas that I have drawn out diagrams in my book titled DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING...To A Monster Whitetail Buck! Copyright 2011 by Bob J. Mercier. In the diagrams I show you where deer bed in relation to other deer in the same herd. I have scouted over 200 deer herds in 5 states and Canada in the past 3 years and every deer herd has the three doe bedding areas that I drew in my book. If you buy it you can learn about them. If not then call your local library and request that they buy my book. It is available online at www.DominanceIsEverything.com.
Until today I have kept this a secret for only the readers of my books to know about. Now I am willing to prove my findings to anyone who wants to see the proof. Deer are amazing animals, and there is so much that society does not know about them. I have a good understanding of everything they do from spring to winter. I do not know everything, but I am sure I know more than anyone alive today. I want to share my knowledge, with you. The way I do it is by offering my books for sale, and by walking land with those who hire me to show them how to make kings of herds hunt them using my tactics.
When the wind direction changes deer stand up and choose another place to bed where they are allowed to, inside their king's territory. Deer choose the new bed location based on whether or not there are imminent threats to their lives in the other bedding areas at that moment in time, or not, and based on the wind direction at that moment. To a deer there is no safer place to be than in its bed, and deer have numerous beds inside the territory of the king of their herd. All you have to do to see these bedding areas is learn from me, what they look like, how to enter them as an invisible deer, and how to hunt in or around a core doe bedding area with my tactics.
Each dominant buck runs a deer herd. A territory, and in that territory there are three core doe bedding areas, and because I discovered them I also named them. They are:
- The South Central Doe Bedding Area (a.k.a. as Doe Bedding Area #1)
- The West Central Doe Bedding Area (a.k.a. as Doe Bedding Area #2)
- The Northeastern Doe Bedding Area (a.k.a. as Doe Bedding Area #3)
For the sake of proving what I am writing here, I will include one page from my book right here for all to see. If you see this and do not believe it, than I cannot help you any further without you being willing to read the statements I made in the pages of my book. You have to buy it to get the explanations in great detail. I hope you appreciate what I am offering to share with you now.
Does (female deer) of all ages, fawns (this year's newborn deer) of both sexes, and bucks less than 2 years old are allowed to bed inside the core doe bedding areas. Bucks older than two other than the king of the herd are not allowed to bed with does inside the core doe bedding areas. Only the king of the herd has the earned right to do whatever he wants whenever he wants. Other bucks live by the rules of the deer herd. I know dozens of rules deer live by, and in my books I am sharing my findings (which I can prove are facts) with you.
People who own my first book have known about these three core doe bedding areas ever since they read pages 60-66 in my book. They are smarter than other deer hunters because of it. You can gain this knowledge too. My books are your means to learn how deer think. What their world looks like and how to find a buck or a doe any day of the week just by learning to understand deer behavior, as taught by me. I learned over 95% of the tactics I teach from observing deer, and mimicking their everyday behavior.
Can you imaging how great it would be for you to see what deer see, and to think what deer think, and to know what a deer will do before he or she does it? I know those things and I am trying to reach you, and other people who want me to teach you the skills I have that have that no one else on earth can claim they knew before they met me. Seeing the king of the herd on any parcel in daylight is now something any person who uses my tactics can do. Do not tell yourself it isn't so. Believe me, there is much I can teach you if you only wanted to contact me to learn. Call Bob J. Mercier at (262) 719-2743 7 days a week. I am a whitetail deer behavior expert, and there is no one who knows more about herds and the territories of kings, or how to talk to deer than I do. Visit my website www.DominanceIsEverything.com in fall and winter 2014 I will post video testimonials on the website through YouTube.
This is the real deal folks. No matter how good of a deer hunter you are, and no matter how many people look up to you, you can learn from me, things that will make monster bucks and adult does, believe you are one or more of them (deer), and by doing so you will be able to get as close as 35 yards or less from any deer in daylight.
This is the real deal folks. No matter how good of a deer hunter you are, and no matter how many people look up to you, you can learn from me, things that will make monster bucks and adult does, believe you are one or more of them (deer), and by doing so you will be able to get as close as 35 yards or less from any deer in daylight.