Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Who is Bob J. Mercier? "The Deer Whisperer"

In 1998, I (Bob J. Mercier) invented a NEW METHOD for hunting mature bucks in the rut. I named my tactics the DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING® Deer Hunting System. It is a unique system unlike any traditional means of deer hunting. I introduce it to others with my book, seminars, public speaking at sportsman’s events, and by offering private lessons on public and private land throughout the U.S.A. 
October 23, 2010 This is my first class teaching traditional deer hunters to be D.I.E. Hunters. I was teaching them how to build a D.I.E. Scrape on a tree-line at the Boxhorn Gun Club in Muskego WI. Photo taken by Scott Anderson.
In October of 2013, I guided a D.I.E. Hunter for the first time in my home state of Wisconsin. My client saw three Pope & Young caliber bucks in the first two days, at less than 25 yards while bow hunting his own land. He unfortunately missed a shot at 11 yards to a monster buck. 

I do not judge your success on whether you kill a buck or not, I judge your success on whether one or more mature bucks comes within 35 yards of you in daylight or not while you are using my tactics. If the buck(s) come in then you were successful with my DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING System. If they did not come to you, then you either broke a set up or hunt rule or your hunt was interfered with by a situation that could cause the death of the dominant buck and the other mature bucks that are pursuing you, and the deer got wise to it. When mature bucks realize their lives are in danger they go on lock-down and refuse to show up in daylight.

I can teach you to make the king of any deer herd come to your stand site in daylight, but in order for you to succeed with my D.I.E. System, you have to believe it will happen. That means  that you have to have the same understanding of whitetail deer behavior as I do. Knowing that I discovered hundred of facts that deer have kept secret from humans for centuries, I am quite sure you would not understand or believe what I teach you is actual truth unless you first read my book DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING…To A Monster Whitetail Buck! ©2011. It is available exclusively through me on my website www.DominanceIsEverything.com

Hundreds of people have called me “The Deer Whisperer,” and I feel I deserve the title.