Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Who is Bob J. Mercier? "The Deer Whisperer"

In 1998, I (Bob J. Mercier) invented a NEW METHOD for hunting mature bucks in the rut. I named my tactics the DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING® Deer Hunting System. It is a unique system unlike any traditional means of deer hunting. I introduce it to others with my book, seminars, public speaking at sportsman’s events, and by offering private lessons on public and private land throughout the U.S.A. 
October 23, 2010 This is my first class teaching traditional deer hunters to be D.I.E. Hunters. I was teaching them how to build a D.I.E. Scrape on a tree-line at the Boxhorn Gun Club in Muskego WI. Photo taken by Scott Anderson.
In October of 2013, I guided a D.I.E. Hunter for the first time in my home state of Wisconsin. My client saw three Pope & Young caliber bucks in the first two days, at less than 25 yards while bow hunting his own land. He unfortunately missed a shot at 11 yards to a monster buck. 

I do not judge your success on whether you kill a buck or not, I judge your success on whether one or more mature bucks comes within 35 yards of you in daylight or not while you are using my tactics. If the buck(s) come in then you were successful with my DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING System. If they did not come to you, then you either broke a set up or hunt rule or your hunt was interfered with by a situation that could cause the death of the dominant buck and the other mature bucks that are pursuing you, and the deer got wise to it. When mature bucks realize their lives are in danger they go on lock-down and refuse to show up in daylight.

I can teach you to make the king of any deer herd come to your stand site in daylight, but in order for you to succeed with my D.I.E. System, you have to believe it will happen. That means  that you have to have the same understanding of whitetail deer behavior as I do. Knowing that I discovered hundred of facts that deer have kept secret from humans for centuries, I am quite sure you would not understand or believe what I teach you is actual truth unless you first read my book DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING…To A Monster Whitetail Buck! ©2011. It is available exclusively through me on my website www.DominanceIsEverything.com

Hundreds of people have called me “The Deer Whisperer,” and I feel I deserve the title.
I am proud to share my knowledge of dominant whitetail bucks, deer herds, territories, mapping herds, deer rights, deer sign, tracking deer, getting close to deer, and deer survival skills with everyone I meet. I know that having this knowledge has changed my life forever, and I am sharing it, after 12 years of silence, because I made a promise to God, that I surely was going to keep.

I believe God helped me learn how to be accepted by deer in the wild. In 1991, I made a promise to God that if he allowed me to learn to think like a deer, and if I was able to get within 35 yards of a mature buck, in daylight, 7 days a week, year round that I would not be selfish, and I would share my tactics with the world. Well, I got my wish, and I have kept my word. 

Publishing my first book is my way of sharing my knowledge with you. Buy my book and see for yourself that miracles do happen. Even if you do not believe in God, you can learn from my teachings. I am not pushing God on anyone. I am praising God for what I have, and what I am able to do. I believe I have been blessed to be able to do what no other human on earth can do. That would be ‘to think like a deer, and to walk among deer unnoticed’.
My D.I.E. Book - Cover Photo

In 1991, I learned to think like a deer. Doing so allows me to walk among them unnoticed. After achieving that skill and being able to succeed with it on every attempt for the next 7 years, I was able to develop the D.I.E. System in late October 1998 while bow hunting in Wisconsin. I was able to see the herd’s most dominant buck on consecutive days within 100 yards of me, but he would not move closer than 80 yards from my stand during daylight. That is because I was hunting traditionally. He knew something other than a deer was in his midst, even though he could not see me, he could not smell me or hear me, he had heard me walk to my stand and go away from it, and he was sure I was a threat to his life so he stayed at a safe distance.

I considered walking up that buck while he was in his bed, as I knew I could do that, and he would allow me to get close, when I walked like a deer, but I did not want to shoot him in tall grass. I had been able to walk to wild deer for 7 years now but none of the time was I armed or hunting. I gave it some thought while I sat in my stand watching the high-racked monster buck and then it came to me. The notion that I could start my hunt over, leaving the traditional hunting tactics at my last set up, and starting new in a new location at least 80 yards away from the last place. The king would be willing to come there because I was not going to announce to any deer that a human was there or that a human would be coming back.

Instead, of wanting to be the ‘hunter’ who never got a shot at a monster buck up close, I wanted to be the ‘hunted’ so the king would be the one to show up, and if he was away for a while his highest ranked pecking order bucks would come to me. So I did it, I made a mock-scrape unlike any scrape you have ever read about. I invented this mock-scrape. In the real “Deer World,” one animal (deer) does not make one of these. This is my Scrape, which I have branded the D.I.E. Scrape. It has power over all deer in the herd. It sends signals to the breeder bucks that encounter it, that there is a new buck in town, and he is there to breed. It also sends signals to the does in the herd, to come and breed with this new buck when does are in estrus because he is going to take the kingdom from their current king! It is an ingenious way to attract every mature buck that encounters it. Bucks have come from over 5 miles away in a four-day period just to have a chance to breed at a D.I.E. Scrape. The only thing that stops them is human behavior, or someone breaking the D.I.E. set up, or D.I.E. hunt rules that I set forth in my book.

The first step, I had to take was to pull my tree stand and give the deer herd a few days to forget about the human (deer hunter using traditional tactics) that was hunting them. Therefore, I did just that.

Next, I had to make my own rules, and instead of guessing what I should do, I decided to use the actual “Deer Rules” that I know very well, and no one else on the planet knew. Living by deer rules is a necessity when using the D.I.E. System. Humans have no place in the “Deer World” so you must learn to leave the human at home. I teach you to believe you are an invisible deer, and at times an invisible pair of deer.

To be able to attract deer to me for breeding rights meant that I could only walk where deer walked, stop where deer stopped, and I would not ever run, because (adult) deer only run when they are being chased, or when they fear their lives are in danger. Running alerts an entire herd. I wanted the deer to hear a deer come to the stand site, but not hear it leave. That way the king of the herd would investigate the whereabouts of the invisible deer, and it worked!

I had a great hunt that resulted in me harvesting a mature 2½-year-old 9-point buck at 3 yards with my bow. He was a challenging intruder buck that travelled over 5 miles to get the chance to breed at my D.I.E. Scrape. He did not know I (an invisible human) was there until he encountered me calling to him from my stand site just 35 yards upwind of him at the time. I grunted one note and he came right to the D.I.E. Scrape. He came to the challenge. He was willing to fight for the right to breed, just as all mature whitetail bucks are taught to do.
This is a "Before & After D.I.E." Photo. The 3 mature bucks with shoulder mounts on the bottom row came to my D.I.E. Scrape on the 3rd day of the each hunt, while I was hunting with a bow in Waukesha County Wisconsin. The one in the middle is the first D.I.E. Buck I shot in 1998. There is one 17-pointer and two 9-pointers.  These bucks fought to get to me!

I am holding a 8-point rack and there are three other buck racks displayed (on the top row) There is a 10-pointer, and two 8-pointers. Those four racks were the best bucks I had shot before I hunted with D.I.E. each of them was while hunting traditionally. As you can see mature Big-Racked-Bucks will come to you in daylight with DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING. But hunting traditionally you may often see yearling bucks and only occasionally a mature buck. I do not kill every buck that hunts me. If I could I probably would, but I cannot so I accept it.
Just having the king of a herd seeking me out is enough for me.
Encountering Challenging Intruder Bucks is almost as exciting, as you will see. 

I was hunted by the king of the herd on that hunt as well, but due to my absence in the mornings of the days I hunted, he abandoned his commitment to wait for me to arrive. I know now that the only way to assure you will meet the king of the herd on your D.I.E. Hunt is to be in the stand all day. I do not hunt in the dark, and I advise you not to do it as well. 

Kings will hunt you with my D.I.E. System if you use it my way. I call it the D.I.E. Way. If your actions scare the king away other bucks from other herds will still show up, and many of them have trophy racks as well. 

I do not believe there is an easier way to hunt mature bucks or does than by using my tactics.

Buy a D.I.E. Book now and become “One who is hunted by kings!”

D.I.E. Books are On Sale Now $35.99 per copy.

DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING…To A Monster Whitetail Buck! ©2011 written and published by Bob J. Mercier. Distributed by Mindful Of Nature LLC  – Owner Bob J. Mercier
I am an innovator who is sharing his knowledge of “the truth about deer” with anyone who is willing to learn. Invite me to speak at your event, and I will do my best to show up.

BUY A D.I.E. BOOK TODAY! www.DominanceIsEverything.com

To Order Books Call Toll Free (877) 788-4621 or (262) 719-2743
For more information: bob@dominanceiseverything.com

Thank You,
Bob J. Mercier