Friday, January 10, 2014

Bob J. Mercier - Biography

Updated by Bob 01/10/2014

My Actions & Words – Speak the truth about whitetail deer.
If you do not know me, and have not heard of the NEW WAY TO HUNT DEER that I invented, I would like to introduce myself. I am Bob J. Mercier originally from New Berlin Wisconsin. I now reside in Eau Claire Wisconsin. I am a whitetail deer behavior specialist, who taught himself how to think like a deer. I can teach anyone 9 years old or older how to get within 35 yards or less of any whitetail deer on the planet.
The biggest problem I am faced with is that the majority of people who have hunted deer for years and who have never met me in person, or have not read my book, do not believe that anyone can do what D.I.E. Hunters can do. I do not let that get to me, because I am no longer on a mission to share what I know with everyone. I only wish to share it with those who wish to believe in the truth.
 You can believe me, or disregard my claims. I welcome you to read my book and see for yourself that I am telling you the absolute truth about deer. There are hundreds of facts about deer, which deer have kept secret from humans for centuries. If you allow me to teach you, in the same way that college educated professors (of other subjects) teach, you will see that I have personally discovered hundreds of amazing facts about whitetail deer that no one before me has ever published or written about. Moreover, knowing those facts changes the way you choose to hunt big-racked bucks and mature does in the future. The changes you will want to make after reading my book, and agreeing with my findings will make the deer in the herds you hunt, become less aware that humans are hunting them. That is a good thing. I hope you would agree.
I am a Wisconsin deer hunter, and since September 2013, I have been a Wisconsin deer-hunting guide. I teach deer hunters how to hunt their own property the D.I.E. Way, and make the king of the herd come to their tree stand, believing they are a deer, and not ever a human. I invented my own tactics that you can use, my way, to make kings of herds fight monster bucks off, just to retain the right to breed inside their own territory boundaries. Whichever buck wins the fights, is the one that will then pursue you. I named this NEW WAY TO HUNT DEER - The DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING® Deer Hunting System. I own Mindful Of Nature LLC and I do business under that name. Dominance Is Everything is a product I sell you the rights to use for the rest of your life. You can buy the rights by purchasing my book, attending a D.I.E. Training Seminar, or hiring me to guide your next hunt, or provide you a private lesson wherever your hunting land is. I draw out deer herds on paper, and I advise my clients on the best ways I know how to keep big bucks on your land or how to bring them to it while you are there in daylight, in deer season. Close encounters with monster bucks are frequent for D.I.E. Hunters. Those who do not know how it works generally believe that my claims are too good to be true. It is unfortunate for those people, that they are dead wrong about me.
I have discovered over 400 facts about deer that no one else on earth knows. I see the deer world from the perspective of deer.
Some people, who know me, call me "The Deer Whisperer.” I will prove to the public that I have unique skills, by writing them down and sharing them with interested people. I know how whitetails live, where to find deer at any time of day in daylight. My focus is on knowing where the monster racked bucks are, and teaching people to behave differently than they are accustomed to so that deer do not know the people are humans. I learned from kings of herds how to communicate with deer. Deer look right at me from distances of 200 yards all the way up to just a few feet away from them, and they do not fear me. I use my own tactics to get close to deer in daylight. I named my tactics the DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING® System. Any person who uses any of my tactics is using the D.I.E. System and I refer to them as D.I.E. Hunters. You do not have to kill deer in order to use this system. Knowing how to use it properly will allow you to make breeder bucks fight for the right to come within 35 yards of your stand site during the rut, while you are there, and it happens in a period of time that is less than four consecutive days. Again, you must believe and trust me. Use D.I.E. as directed in order for deer to be convinced that you are a deer, then you can walk among them anytime you want.
I have learned from deer how to read the sign they leave behind. I can see where the deer were and what they were doing, all from any one type of deer sign. I can tell if the deer was mature, which sex it was, whether it was a herd member (subordinate to the king) or not. I can think like that deer, and know where it came from, and where it was going, what time of day it was there, and which day, week, or month it left the sign. I can tell you where to find that deer now, if it is still alive, and living in that dominant buck's territory. Deer can move away and live somewhere else, so assuming that a buck you saw this year will stick around and be there one year later is a bad assumption. You have to read his sign to know if he is still in the area, or you have to see him.
I have never used any trail cameras. I tell you that you have to remove all the cameras from your land in order to succeed at telling the king of the herd you are a deer or two deer, rather than a human. At least 85% of all the deer hunters I teach D.I.E. to used trail cameras when we met. Those who pulled their cameras have seen a king at close range in daylight. Those who have refused to have only gotten his picture on their camera one time, and they never saw him near a D.I.E. System Scrape. I can only teach you my way. I cannot force you to use it as directed.
Everyone who has hunted with D.I.E. as directed to in my first book, who then did not get busted, has met the king of the deer herd or another mature breeder buck, (from another herd) while on their D.I.E. hunt.
I am proud of my research, the lessons I teach, and the way my customers have received the new information. They strive to learn more, and they continue to come to my D.I.E. (DOMINANCE IS EVERYTHING) Seminars so they can learn new facts about deer that I have never shared with the public before. Each seminar is unique, and affordable, and I hope you will attend one someday, so we can meet. 
I can draw the locations of every deer in the herd's bed choices, just by reading deer sign. I have learned to read buck rubs, not just a few types, all of them. They tell you where the king of the herd is, and when he will be back. It is a science, understanding how to read the tree rubs. I have formulas I derived from fact-finding missions. Using the formulas, I can pace off the yardage to a dominant buck's bed, and I am accurate within 40 yards. I have taught over 150 people (2010 to 2013) to do just that. We can walk among kings unnoticed, and so can you!

The Dominance Is Everything Logo and Name are Registered Trademarks of Robert J. Mercier

‘Hunt or be ‘The Hunted’ – It’s a Choice!